Hair Care

How To Get Rid Of Dandruff Fast

Geographical boundaries and ages may separate people, but dandruff is the common denominator for most. People worldwide can share this sentiment—dandruff is a shared concern around the globe affecting everyone. If you want to get rid of dandruff and protect your hair, you are in the right place. Dandruff is a common problem that causes scalp irritation and, in many cases, even results in hair fall. Labelle’s skilled dermatologists and specialists will ensure you never have to deal with dandruff again by keeping your scalp healthy, clean, and nourished.

What Is Dandruff?

Dandruff is a condition that causes scalp irritation, leading to skin flakes growing on the scalp.

Also known as seborrheic dermatitis, a type of eczema, dandruff often appears in patches and can cause scalp inflammation, redness, irritation, and flaking. You might have dandruff if you notice white flakes on your scalp, hair, facial hair, shoulders, or eyebrows. While these symptoms are mild, they can grow severe if neglected for too long. Moreover, stress and cold, dry seasons can also exacerbate redness and inflammation.

If you experience these systems, consult Labelle’s hair care professionals immediately for diagnosis and treatment. Depending on the cause, you may be required to undergo non-invasive treatments like laser therapy or topical treatments like conditioners and hair gels.

What Causes Dandruff?

These white scabs result from the overgrowth of Malassezia or yeast cells. Usually, your skin accommodates this fungus because it produces sebum that moistens the scalp. However, when it grows uncontrollably, it drains sebum and blocks the scalp’s natural oil secretion glands, causing dandruff.

In addition to Malassezia, various other factors also contribute to dandruff, such as:

Oily and Dry Skin

One sure-shot way to treat dandruff quickly is by ensur
ing your skin is never oily or dry. When dirt, oil, and hair care products like shampoos or conditioners meet, they can cause your scalp to become excessively oily, causing dandruff.

Similarly, dry skin can drain moisture, resulting in a dehydrated scalp. Furthermore, dry skin can also cause skin issues like psoriasis. So, if your skin is not receiving enough moisture, the odds of your scalp becoming infected and resulting in dandruff become alarmingly high.


You will find these five things in every purse or bag: moisturizer, sunscreen, deodorant, lip balm, and a comb. The last item, in particular, is a must-have to keep your hair untangled, beautiful, and soft. However, combing is only effective when done in moderation. If you want to avoid dandruff, combing repeatedly will have the opposite effect. Over-combing frequently can cause the scalp to become flaky, leading to dandruff.

Poor Diet

It is universally acknowledged and scientifically proven that your diet directly relates to your health. Since dandruff stems from the overgrowth of yeast cells, consuming food that contains yeast, such as sugary items, can accelerate yeast growth. Furthermore, sugar also reduces the anti-dandruff component your body needs to fight scalp irritation—Vitamin B. Therefore, you must consume less sugary foods and increase your Vitamin B intake to cure dandruff fast.

Allergic Reactions

Allergy is a common cause of dandruff, whether food or medication. You could also be allergic to beauty or hair care products, such as hair mists, scalp gels, shampoos, and conditioners. However, what sparkles in advertisements might not always shine on your hair. Since everyone has a different hair texture (thin, thick, oily, or dry), your scalp may not be compatible with every shampoo.

If you believe an allergic reaction triggered your dandruff, Labelle’s certified dermatologists will run some tests and find the cause. Our healthcare experts will also recommend your medical shampoos or conditioners to reduce dandruff. Suitable products will hydrate and nourish your scalp, keeping it healthy and clean.

Age also plays a significant hand in causing dandruff. As we age, our hair becomes weaker and hair follicles lose their strength, which makes them retain dead skin cells instead of shedding them. When the scalp does not get rid of dead cells, it can lead to dandruff. If your scalp feels itchy, it would be best to consult our dermatologist immediately to find the cause and design the best treatment plan.


Another common cause of dandruff is genetics. If your family has a history of dandruff problems, you might also notice white flakes on your skin, though it is not a rite of passage. However, despite having genetic roots, dandruff is not a permanent issue. You can choose various ways to reduce dandruff, whether Labelle’s treatments or DIY solutions.

What are the Different Types Of Dandruff?

There are four types of dandruff; each type has unique systems and treatment plans:

• Seborrheic dermatitis dandruff
• Psoriasis dandruff
• Oily scalp dandruff
• Dry scalp dandruff

Labelle’s Treatment to Get Rid of Dandruff

Labelle offers a thorough and effective solution if you want to cure dandruff permanently. We take a topical route to treat dandruff using chemical peels.

What is Chemical Peel?

Chemical peeling is a guaranteed way of keeping the skin healthy, glowing, and nourished. Similarly, your scalp also needs chemical peeling to become dandruff-free. Chemical or scalp peel is a treatment where we apply active keratolytic agents to the scalp, let them sit for five-ten minutes, and then rinse. This process reduces excessive sebum production, prevents fungi from growing, and deep cleans the scalp.

While there are ways of removing dandruff naturally at home, they can be hit or miss. Therefore, professional consultation is always advisable for quick, guaranteed, and safe results.

How Does Scalp Peel Work?

If you thought exfoliation was only for the skin, you are in for a pleasant surprise! The keratolytic agents Labelle uses in this procedure exfoliate the top layer of the scalp, which shrinks the oil glands. When the oil glands reduce in size, the sebum production slows, balancing the scalp’s pH level, preventing Malassezia from overgrowing, and accelerating hair growth.

Labelle’s Dandruff Removal Procedure

Labelle’s dandruff-removal procedure is a quick and painless three-step process.

  • Our expert will first clean your scalp with a betadine or saline to sterilize the scalp.
  • Once the scalp is dirt-free, the doctor will part your hair into different sections and apply the scalp peel solution on each part consistently and uniformly using a brush.

Labelle’s scalp peel solution is what sets us apart. The entire process takes approximately 30-40 minutes with zero downtime. While you may feel itching during the procedure, it is temporary and harmless. You can resume your daily routine right after the process without worrying about side effects or sensitivity. If the irritation or itching sensation persists, contact your doctor immediately.

The best part about a scalp peel treatment is that you will observe a noticeable improvement after the first session itself. While there is no fixed number of sessions, as the treatment frequency depends on your scalp condition, type of dandruff, and its cause, you will notice a significant improvement in 7-8 sittings. Following the doctor’s post-procedure tips can accelerate the process.

Long-Term Side Effects of Dandruff

Seeing white scabs in your hair or shoulders is an instant mood downer. However, in addition to ruining your day, they also have long-term side effects if you don’t get rid of dandruff immediately.

Psychological Stress: Dandruff is one of the biggest causes of low self-esteem. People with dandruff often become socially recluse, as they feel dandruff is a sign of an unclean, poor, and unhygienic lifestyle.

Hair Loss: Hair fall is one of dandruff’s most common side effects. While the two are not inherently linked, dandruff causes scalp sensitivity, making you want to scratch it constantly, possibly leading to hair loss.

Itchy Scalp: Dandruff can cause severe scalp itchiness if not treated on time. During dandruff, the scalp generates and sheds dead skin cells, leading to an irritated and itchy scalp. So, if you find yourself constantly scratching your scalp, you’ll find relief and proper treatment at Labelle.

Acne and Pimples: When your skin becomes dry, it can become flakey and clog the pores, leading to pimples and skin marks. Dandruff can make matters. When the scalp does not get enough moisture, it causes dandruff. Similarly, unmoisturized skin can cause acne. When the skin becomes too dry, the sebaceous gland produces excessive sebum oil to counter dryness. Excessive sebum production makes the skin oily and clogs the pores, resulting in acne.

Alternative Home Remedies to Cure Dandruff

Labelle’s anti-dandruff treatment guarantee effective results. However, if you want alternative methods to practice yourself, you can try the following home remedies to cure dandruff and bring back a healthy scalp.

Medically Crafted Shampoos

“How to reduce dandruff?” is one of the most searched queries on search engines, and shampoo is one of the most common answers.

Shampoos may look similar and come in fancy bottles, but each shampoo contains different ingredients. Some common ingredients found in shampoos are:

• Coal tar
• Ketoconazole
• Salicylic acid and sulfur
• Pyrithione zinc
• Selenium sulfide
• Salicylic acid

Each ingredient has different properties for different kinds of dandruff, such as oily, dry, seborrheic dermatitis, or psoriasis dandruff. There is no single answer for which shampoo will suit you best; it is a game of trial and error.

Sometimes, a shampoo that worked effectively initially might stop suiting your scalp. In such a case, you should switch to a new conditioner. Furthermore, every shampoo has different guidelines, depending on the ingredients. Therefore, you should keep the following points in mind before purchasing a shampoo:

• Shampoo components can cause an allergic reaction.

• The ingredients may change the colour and texture of your hair, skin, clothes, and fingernails.

• You should ensure the shampoo does not come in contact with unhealed scars, wounds, and infections.

• Make sure the shampoo does not reach your eyes.

• If you experience discomfort or scalp itchiness after applying shampoo, contact your dermatologist and wear sunscreen before going out in the sun.

• If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your dermatologist before using shampoo.

How to use anti-dandruff shampoos?

When using shampoos to reduce dandruff, remember the following tips:

• Once you find a suitable anti-dandruff shampoo for your scalp, sprinkle it with water, lather the mixture, and let it sit for five minutes. After the five minutes are up, wash your hair thoroughly.

• After washing your hair, use a conditioner. Many people skip this step—using conditioner keeps your scalp moist and prevents it from drying, thus reducing dandruff.

• Your scalp might cause itchiness or irritation but do not rub or scratch it. Scratching your head will only bring you temporary relief. Instead of removing flakes, as you might have thought scraping the scalp would do, it might cause it to bleed, exacerbating the condition. Moreover, if you have long nails, scratching can cause wounds, causing skin infections.

Improve Your Diet

Poor diet causes dandruff; a proper diet fixes it. Research has shown that foods with high carb content can accelerate glycogen production in the skin, which is food for yeast. Another study shows that foods with excessive oil, such as sugary and dairy products, activate the sebaceous glands, releasing oil and causing acne and dandruff. While you may have to lay off sugary foods, adding salmon, tuna, peanut butter, avocados, eggs, walnuts, sunflower seeds, ginger, and garlic to your diet can reduce dandruff. You should also eat foods containing Vitamin B, such as broccoli, green vegetables, and chickpeas.

A Stress-Free Life

You can blame a lot of mental and physical health problems on stress. Stress affects your physical well-being (chronic illnesses) and mental health (loss of self-esteem, depression, and anxiety).

Stress also causes dandruff. So, if you are looking for an answer to the age-old question of “How to get rid of dandruff?” the answer is by living a stress-free life.

To keep your stress under control, you can try meditating, yoga, breathing exercises, going on morning and evening walks, fixing your sleep schedule, and eating healthy.

Wrapping Up

Dandruff causes you to scratch your head for two reasons: the itching it causes and scouring the internet to learn how to get rid of dandruff. You can eliminate dandruff in various ways, from choosing Labelle’s effective anti-dandruff treatments to home remedies, such as applying tea tree oil, exfoliating your scalp, and improving your diet. Lastly, managing stress will instantly solve most of your concerns, including dandruff.