Skin Care

How to Lighten Dark Lips

The colour of skin varies from one person to another. However, it is when your lips become dark; you must pay attention to them. Discolouration of lips or darkening of lips can be caused due to lifestyle changes, unhealthy habits or even certain medication. But, they do not look good. Darkening of lips can change the overall look of your face and tend to make it look duller.

If you want to learn how to lighten dark lips, then this article is the one for you.

Causes for Dark Lips

There are several reasons for darkening of upper lips. Some people develop darker lips due to a variety of medications and lifestyle factors. Some of the other reasons are-

  • Sun exposure

Like our face and body, our lips are also very sensitive to the harmful rays of the sun. With the UV rays of sun directly hitting your lips without any barrier, the lips can darken. Sun tends to increase melanin production. Applying SPF based lip balm on your lips before stepping out in the sun can help to a certain extent.

  • Skin disorders

Melasma is a skin disorder that causes dark spots or patches on cheeks, nose, face and lips. Acanthosis nigricans is a skin disorder that leads to darkening and thickening of upper lip area. Allergic reaction to lip balms can also lead to lip darkening.

  • Smoking

Smoking can lead to lip discolouration.

  • Allergic reaction to products like lipsticks, toothpaste etc can also lead to lip darkening.
  • Dry lips or lack of hydration.
  • Lip licking or lip sucking habit can also cause lip discolouration.
  • Vitamin deficiency.
  • Anemia etc

Tips To Lighten Dark Lips

If you want to prevent darkening of lips, you can follow these tips-

  • Do not smoke. Smoking leads to darkening of lips and make them discoloured.
  • Always use a lip balm with good SPF. This would prevent darkening of lips by sun exposure.
  • Always keep your lips moisturised. Dryness can also lead to discolouration.

Treatments to Lighten Dark Lips

Some of the most commonly used treatments to lighten dark lips are-

  • Chemical peels

Like any other facial area, chemical peels are also used on lips to lighten them quickly. Chemical peels exfoliate the skin, reduce melanin and yield lighter and healthier lips.

  • Laser treatment

Laser treatments have been used to treat a variety of skin problems effectively. You can always opt for laser toning if nothing else seems to work in your favour. These lasers use heat energy to target melanin deposits on your lips and reduce it. Within a few sessions, laser treatment yields effective and visible results. The best part about laser toning is that it is non-invasive and not painful. It is also safer than other methods and help in getting pink lips fast.

  • Hyaloronic acid injections

These can help in rehydrating the lips and lightening them. These injections are very helpful in people with dull, dehydrated lips, ageing lips and the smokers.

How to Get Rid Of Dark Lips

With an experience of 21 years, Labelle is India’s most trusted and widely known clinic for weight loss and skin care solutions. It has its chains spread across Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana, and Tamil Nadu- offering a wide range of customised solutions for skin lightening. Labelle’s team of dermatologists are expert in helping you to get rid of dark lips along with other skin woes.

If you wish to book an appointment, you can visit our website today or call us on 0801-900-2020. What’s more? Booking your appointment is free of cost and we also provide online consultation.